Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy
If for any reason you would like to cancel an order, this may be done by contacting Myth on 021 434 1125.
You will only be able to cancel orders before you get confirmation of shipping and/or waybill number. Myth reserves the right not to refund the delivery in respect of any late cancellations.
If you cancel your payment for any reason, or if your payment method should cease to be valid for whatever reason, you will nevertheless be bound to pay to the full purchase price, including all costs incurred by us relating to the recovery thereof. Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies in law, Myth reserves the right to cancel forthwith any sale and/or your registration in the event of your breach any of the terms.
You may return a Product, at your cost, to any Myth store provided you have the original invoice/proof of purchase and have complied with the required terms and conditions of Myth’s Returns & Refunds Policy.